SMX Supermoto Vs Motocross PC Preview Demo (Video)

This is a demo preview that is not currently available for download yet. This demo is to showcase how SMX would look and run on current PC hardware, this is a real official build under development, that will eventually be released as a free demo when it's ready! This build does not different in gameplay mechanics and feeling from the mobile version of SMX that could be found right now on Google Play.

SMX Supermoto Vs Motocross is developed by OE GAMES

Programing: Evangelos Oganesof
Visuals and Graphics: Evangelos Oganesof
Audio Design: Evangelos Oganesof
Rider Model: Imperium Design
Rider rigging: sheikenimation
Engine Sounds: Steve Beyer
Ambient Sounds:
Nature Assets: NatureManufacture